Saturday, April 11, 2009

Oh, the animals we have held...

Check out our little crowd. When we were getting our pictures with these birds it felt like you were getting a photo shoot from a handful of Chinese people. Debbie and Annie actually got them to "Oo" and "Aw" with their posing skills.
A waterbuffalo...

Weird birds that were going to peck my eyes out at any moment.

A CAMEL! We wanted to have a ride on it's back but instead we got to hold the string. Oh well, we got to pet it so that should count I guess.

Monkeys! It was so cool to actually be able to hold a monkey. These monkeys were quite the posers. Their feet feel so weird. I was scared they were going to pee on me the whole time but I left without any pee stains on my clothes.
We all have this new goal to get pictures with as many animals as possible. We crossed a lot off the list this trip. We are still looking for a place that has elephants and baby tigers. Hopefully we can find them somewhere. However, as of right now I am pretty happy about the monkeys.

1 comment:

  1. I found your blog on Emily's. What an awesome experince you are having!!! Just laughed at the monkey pictures....they look a little freaky! Have fun and be safe!!!...and Don't let any of those Chinese animals pee on you.
