Wednesday, January 28, 2009

our school

This is the school that we teach at. It is so nice. The teachers are awesome to work with and the kids are great.

stretching for the day

I don't know where the stretching poses came from but I liked it so I took a picture. Just incredible flexibility. They are so limber.

at the bus stop

Here are some of the cool girls in my group. From left to right Kate, Amy, Candice, Tiann, Katie, Debbie, and Annie. We love the bus stop.

worried Debbie

This is our head teacher
Debbie at the hot pot dinner.
She was really worried the
whole time. She doesn't eat
Her quote of the night
was, "I'm meditating."
It was so funny watching
her face every time a
new weird food came out.

Yep... I ate that.

Um... what is this?

We had this hot pot dinner and there was a lot of weird things that I have never eaten/thought of eating before.
Cow stomach anyone?


Well, I am officially known in our group as the sucker. I don't know how this happened. I was just walking across the street to give moral support and I came back with these weird fruit things in water. I don't even know what they are and when I got home and tried them they tasted like weeds. Dang it, I suck again!

sucker again

This is sugar cane. You take a bite of this stick that feels like wood, suck out the juice and just spit the rest on the ground.
This is another purchase that I got ripped off. Those Chinese people are so persuasive... Ok, I am just stupid. They can't persuade me. I don't speak Chinese.


Yes, this is my bed.
No it is not the most
comfortable thing in the
world but it will do.
I am not getting bruises
on my hips any more
so that is a good sign

crazy badmitton man!

Here we are... I think this was just a two hour session.


The guy on the far left is the man affectionately called Badmitton man. He can seriously play for hours. He tries to give us lessons but we can't understand him. He still tries.
The other three are our neighbors. They are our friends. I really like them. We can't really talk to each other but they always say hi and try and talk to us in Chinese.
Becky and Betty!

I'm in CHINA!

Sarah Girl!